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Tax Collector


Official Website of The Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey

City Government-Finance & Taxation The Manager of Tax Collector is Frank Berardo Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Under the auspices of the Ridgefield Environmental Commission, Mayor Anthony Suarez and the Council, Borough Administrator Ray Ramirez, the Police Dept. and the DPW have all coordinated to re-open the Nature Center. The entrances and exits are located on Shaler Blvd and Ray Avenue.
The Mayor will cut the ceremonial ribbon at Noon, Sunday, July 21st. Open Hours: Noon to One Hour before Sundown
Financial authorities, governmental
Fire Departments The Manager of Ridgefield Fire Dept. is John Hoffman

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Tax Collector in Ridgefield you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1994

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 Address: 604 Broad Ave
07657, Ridgefield, New Jersey

More 1 address of the company in city Ridgefield on the map

Tax Collector address

604 Broad Ave
Phone: (201)943-5215

Tax Collector address

530 Shaler Blvd
Phone: (201)943-5215

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Category of Tax Collector:


fire dept, zip code, new jersey, ridgefield, board of health, new jersey borough of ridgefield, parks, agenda, commission
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Official Website of The Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey

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