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Cataloxy Cedar Grove...Companies in Cedar GroveLeisure & TourismPostal services, telecommunications, radio and televisionLand-based telecommunication operatorsMaster Communications

Master Communications, Cedar Grove

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Master Communications Center

Telegraph Service The President of Master Communications is Gerald Parker Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : In 1979, Master Communications Corp. entered the rapidly expanding field of telecommunications. The 1970s had seen phenomenal growth within this industry and marketing predictions for the future were excellent. However, we at MCC were aware that there was a growing gap between quality of product and quality of technical performance and service. Without a highly trained, technical staff, sensitive to the immediate service and expansion needs of a customer, even the most elaborate communications system will not provide satisfaction.
MCC is totally committed to the concept that this gap should and can be eliminated. Our performance record speaks for itself, and our customer base ranges from small business concerns to large metropolitan hospitals. Our technicians stay completely up-to-date on all development in national and international products. We are able to provide expertise in design, installations and maintenance in both new and already existing networks. Whether your business needs are best served by a basic or highly sophisticated system, we at MCC welcome the opportunity to show you how we can improve the performance of your system and help you plan realistically for your future needs.
Our company has been a family owned and operated business for over thirty five years. MCC is proud to have grown from a small office to owning it’s own 6, 200 sq ft building which houses our offices and warehouse facility.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Master Communications in Cedar Grove you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1979

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 17 John Pl
07009, Cedar Grove, New Jersey

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